Big Bang was not big, nor was it a ‘bang’!
- starscapes
- September 30, 2024
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One of the most successful theories of modern science is the Big Bang but it is also one of the most misunderstood ones too. Misunderstanding started with the name ‘Big Bang’ itself as it was not given by the scientist who proposed this theory to explain the origin of the universe but by the scientists who disliked it. Infact, the Big Bang was not a brainchild of any single scientist, rather the idea was brewing for a long time among many physicists and took a longtime to find observational evidence through telescopes. Throughout history, philosophers, religious thinkers had been arguing over the question of where this universe had come into existence. They used all kinds of logic, reason and dogma to argue endlessly over the origin or eternity of the universe.
‘Father’s Big Bang was a Father, a priest named Georges Lemaitre who was a cosmologist and mathematician. He was inspired by the work of Friedman, a Russian physicist who continued to work on the theory of relativity of Einstein and found that the empty space can not remain static; it will either expand or collapse on its own. By that time in 1925 observational astronomers had found all the galaxies appeared to be moving away from each other. Lemaitre suggested that it is not that galaxies are not running away from each other due to some explosion but they appear to go away from each other because space between them is expanding. He went on further by suggesting that speed at galaxies appearing to be rushing away has to be proportional to distance from the observer. This is exactly what Edvin Hubble has found. It simply means the further away a galaxy is, the faster it will be moving away from an observer, us. In other words a Galaxy at 100 light years away will be receding from us at double speed from a galaxy that is at 50 light years away. A galaxy 200 light years away will be receding at 4 times faster than a galaxy 50 light years away and twice faster when compared to a galaxy at 100 light years. It is not that we are at the centre of the expansion, every observer in every galaxy will observe the same thing that the further a galaxy is from his action the faster it appears to move away from him.
Answer to this puzzling observation is simple: instead of galaxies moving away from each other, space sappier between them is expanding and the beauty of this assumption is that an increasing rate of recession naturally appears when we visualise this. So according to Big Bang Bang theory the universe was a very ‘small place’, in the slandered model at the moment of the ‘Big Bang’ all the space itself was confined to zero volume and time had not started yet. It is the spontaneous birth of all space, time and various kinds of fields, like gravity, electromagnetic, ‘weak’ and strong nuclear forces and all the particles like electrons, nutritions and six types of quarks. Two of which make the protons and neutrons the nuclear particles. So what we had at the beginning was something very tiny, that is what cosmologists call singularity, it started expanding without any external clauses and all the matter, energy and force/fields started forming spontaneously. There was no explosion of something in the empty space because there was no space then in so there was no BANG! There was no sound of any kind.